Create your own magic…

The other day I was browsing through the news and came across this quote by Kerry Washington, “If I sit around and wait for other people to create magic in my life, I will be waiting until the day I die.” It resonated with me and got me to thinking.

No one is in better control of our lives than ourselves. Every day we get up and are faced with many decisions to be made that will take our life in one direction or another. Sometimes we make the right choices, sometimes our choices are not that great. Hopefully when it is the latter, we use those to make course corrections that will keep us from making the same mistakes again.

Unfortunately, there are people in the world who just sit back and expect everything in life to come to them. They feel they do not need to make the effort because life is supposed to deliver them whatever they want on a silver platter. They deserve it because they want it, yet they lack the willingness to work for it.

Achieving what we want in life requires commitment and work. The universe rewards us for effort, dedication, compassion and our willingness to work for what we desire. If we sit back and just expect it all to fall in our lap, then we are in for a lot of disappointment. Likewise, if we wait for others to create the magic we are looking for in our lives, then that disappointment becomes compounded.

All our lives have the ability to be magical. The question is whether or not we have the ability to create that magic ourselves. I have always been the type of person to go after what I want. If it is truly something that I desire and it will nurture my soul it is rare that I will allow no to be an option. I learned a long time ago that if I wait for someone else to create that magic for me, the majority of the time the magic never arrives.

Life can be a grand adventure or a boring existence. No matter what path you choose at the end of the day it is our life and how we choose to live it. The amount of magic that is in our life is totally up to us. We just have to recognize that the only magician that can make that magic happen is looking right at us in the mirror.

Have a great day and remember to be the reason someone smile today.


3 Comments on “Create your own magic…

  1. Very nice. I love the positivity and the quote from Washington. Tomorrow when I wake up, I’m going to make some magic in my world. Thanks for writing this post.


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