Showing us what humanity should look like

This past week I had the privilege of spending a couple of days with two of my favorite people, my niece Courtney and her mom Debbie. Every time I am around Courtney I am reminded of what we should all be, humans without preconceived notions and endless love and compassion. Humans who know no color or prejudices and simply see people for who they are, not for how they are taught to see them.

If you have never experienced a child with Down’s Syndrome, then you are missing out. They have this way of bringing out the best in us and anyone that they come in contact with. They elicit smiles, laughs and heartfelt love from people they know and even those that they don’t. Being in their presence is something magical as you get an opportunity to experience what it is like to see a human being at their finest, as we we were all meant to be.

I have written on this subject before. Every time I get another opportunity to be around Courtney, or my cousin Clifford or my in-law Lauren, I feel compelled to share again. I always learn something new, heartwarming and beautiful from being in their presence. If you are with them long enough it becomes more and more difficult to see them with a disability, but rather a person with a special gift that they are eager to share with the world.

When you receive a hug from a person with Down’s, it isn’t one of those casual pats on the back or fake hug pats that you get from most individuals. You get an embrace that makes you feel like you are someone special. That unexpected kiss that comes on top of your head, or that arm around the shoulders that comes out of the blue that reminds you how much they love you is the best of the human spirit. They don’t love with preconceived notions, they love with a full heart.

The beautiful thing about Down’s Syndrome individuals is that they have this innate ability to show us the best of what humanity was meant to be. They don’t have the capacity to discriminate. They don’t understand the ills of life that we all have to face every day. They don’t see race, color, gender or nationality. They simply see a person for who they are and show them all the same love equally. We could all learn from that if only we would observe and learn.

So, this morning I say here’s to you Miss Courtney. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life and be in your presence. Thank you for showing me unconditional love and compassion. Most of all, thank you making our lives just a little more special.

Have a great day and remember to be the reason someone smiles today.

Mornings With Ron is available as a podcast at or in iHeartRadio, Apple or Google Podcast, Spotify or most podcast sites.

13 Comments on “Showing us what humanity should look like

  1. This made me cry if only we could all see the goodness and other people how different our world would be

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Showing us what humanity should look like – Yakanak News

  3. This post makes me feel so emotional. We get so biased, so mean, so frustrated with our everyday struggles and experiences. We start being jealous and hateful of certain folks.
    Yet we forget that we are the creations of one god. We all have some essence of God, so why we do all this?
    Why not embrace each other with kindness, respect and love?
    Thanks for this wonderful post.


  4. I had the opportunity and privilege to meet one such child and it was so much fun being that baby. The innocence, humor and attitude towards life was simply amazing. Good post,


  5. So glad this was reblogged. I ‘worked’ with several children with ‘Downs’ when I first went to Romania and with every one it was a delighful experience, for the reasons you put so well. Thank you.


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