Just a thank you

I wanted to thank you all for your comments and feedback on my posts so for. I got notification that I have now posted over 100 times on morningswithron.com and we have over 17,000 followers. Please continue to share with your friends and family as we try and reach even more people to bring a little something extra to their day. Also, I wanted to thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for my dad. The last month has been a bit trying as we deal with his diagnosis and try… Read More

Live Your Life Facing Forward

Yesterday, I came across a quote by Debbie Gibson (think 80’s singer) that said, “live your life facing forward, not looking back at your past.” So few words for such a powerful statement and it caused me to start to evaluate how I live my own life. Am I guilty of living in the past? Sometimes, as I think we all are. But mostly I try and focus on the hopes of tomorrow and that is what seems to fuel my soul. There was a time in my life where it was… Read More

Tomer Rozenberg

Become A Better You

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Life is all about being curious, asking questions, and discovering your passion. And it can be fun!

Jessica Levine

The Experiences of Life Will Take Us in Many Directions


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Inspirational words to start your day

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