Grab that second before it becomes a memory

Over the course of sharing messages, I have often talked about the 1,440 minutes that we are given in a day and how important it is to make each one of those the best that it can be. The next second that we take another breath comes with the opportunity to make that second anything we desire. We can wipe the slate clean, complete an unfinished endeavor, or simply continue living the life path that we have discovered is best for us. If we fail to grab that second and make it extraordinary, we may not even realize its value until that second becomes simply a memory.

We often live so mired in the past that we lack the energy to recognize the future. We don’t understand that we don’t have to be trapped by our past misgivings, but with that new breath, have the opportunity to create the future for ourselves that we want to live. We know in our minds that it is impossible to change anything that has happened up until that breath we take, but we lack the confidence to know that the cycle doesn’t need to continue, it can change.

Our failure to move forward often is a result of our inability to let go. We feel the need to continue to beat ourselves up for transgressions, berate ourselves for failures, and lack a sense of self confidence to understand that we have the power to create a way out. The one person that has total control of what happens in that next breath that we take is ourselves. It is that first step forward on a new life path, with all the energy and strength we can muster to make it our own, that is totally within our ability. Breaking the control of those who think they can make that determination for us, and realizing that we have complete power of our future, is what ultimately puts on the past to success. 

Today, sit for sixty seconds. Know that there is a new future about to happen when that sixty seconds is complete. When that sixtieth second passes, use that next second to make the commitment that every second that happens thereafter belongs to you. Embrace that second, make it your own, and live it before it becomes just a memory.


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